Tuesday, June 21, 2011

true blood series premiere or my daughter?

Which one will come first??? The TB season starts Sunday June 26th. Hayden's original due date was June 25th estimated off of my estimated LMP. The doctor changed it when I was 28 weeks...why? I have no idea. I thought it was kind of dumb to change it by only 10 days, and I think that is where my frustration has came in, because now it seems as if I am past my due date when really I may not really be. Who knows. I've pretty much just accepted the fact that she'll come when she is ready, and I have honestly just stopped stressing over it, not that I was really stressing over it, but I was kinda of becoming obsessed by it.

So, the NST was of course fine at the DR today. I'm FINALLY dilating, yay. He said the babies head is pretty far down there, so he really thinks that I'll be able to go into labor and progress normally with no problems. This was one thing I have been worried about because my mom has two uterus', and when she is pregnant the baby does not drop into her pelvis, and she doesn't dilate much past 2cm, so she has to have c-sections, as she did with my brother and I. My DR told me from the get go that it didn't mean I would be like that too. The only thing was, was she did not know she had two uterus' until after she gave birth to me, she said they could never see it on an U/S, but technology has come a long way in 30 years 25 years, so I would hope that would be something they would see on an U/S these days, and the U/S tech at my doctor's office is pretty awesome, and knows her stuff!

After the doctors appt I figured it was probably about time to go get last minute stuff at Babies 'R' Us, like my boppy, and stock up on some more groceries. I did what I thought would be my last grocery trip before baby over a week ago, but no. Now when I look at the exp date on things like the milk I always think, oh she should be here before then. Yeah, well this gallon doesn't exp until 7/6, and she'll DEFINITELY be here by then. I thought for sure it was going to be sooner though, oh well...more summer vacation for me! It could be worse, I could be the size of a whale, uncomfortable, and miserable. There is this one lady who must be as far as I am, because I see her at most of my DR appointments now, and her belly IS HUGE! I don't know what I would do if mine was that big. She couldn't even sit down without looking TOTALLY uncomfortable. Poor girl! So, instead of complaining because my baby is taking a little longer to make her debut, I'll just shut my mouth and be grateful I'm still tiny, happy, and have a lil monkey who is obviously very healthy and happy in there!!!

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