Tuesday, June 28, 2011

friday, july 1st...d day

My doctor set my induction date today - Friday, July 1st @ 7:30am. I realllllyyyy hope she decides to stop being so stubborn and come out before Friday though! I am pretty bummed out about having to be induced, but we don't want the placenta to start to break down and not provide her the proper nutrients, or her becoming stressed out. Today at the DR he did an ultrasound, and everything looked good. The U/S tech said according to measurements she weighs about 8lbs 6oz! She also said that sometimes this is off by a pound or so. Where in the heck is she hiding in there?? I really haven't gotten that much bigger since 32 weeks or so. It's crazy knowing there is a full sized baby in there!! It's crazy thinking these are the last two days I'll be a kid free woman, and my life after Friday is going to be completely different, and never be what it use to be. I plan on enjoying the next two days pool side at my mom's. Tomorrow I plan on doing a lot of swimming, and anything else I can think of to hopefully get her out of there!!

Knowing what I did after the doctor I decided to make sure I was stocked on toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, and all that good stuff. I went to meijer for THREE things, and left after spending $80.00. I'm pretty good at doing that! Then I came home and realized I don't have any nursing bras and I've been told by a few different friends that I would probably want one in the hospital, but, OMG, nursing bras are so hideous and unflattering! I was able to find 2 that didn't seem so bad though at motherhood maternity, we'll see how those work, and if I really do even like them. I just hope I have everything! Then again a lot of people have also told me that newborns really don't need all that much, the most important thing that they need of course is their mommy, and a lot of love!

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