Friday, June 10, 2011

Seems like it was just yesterday...

In a way this pregnancy has gone by very quickly, while at other times it seems to be dragging (like now!). It feels like it was just a few months ago I was at the bar watching my hubby throw 4 picks to DeAngelo Hall, one in which turned out to be the game winning touchdown for the Redskins, and not having ONE drink! And Cutler had me so stressed I could have definitely used one!

Everyone thought I was hungover from the night before, but just the thought of alcohol grossed me out. That and my my boobs hurt SO SO SO bad, like I never thought boobs could ever be THAT sore. Once the game was over, I was pissed, and ready to take my ball and stomp my feet all the way back home...not before I stopped to get a pregnancy test first, because something definitely didn't feel right! (oh, and a pumpkin, and stencil/carving kit).

Now, here I am 9 months pregnant, and feeling like she is never going to come out of there! I've had pretty much a picture perfect pregnancy except for a stupid kidney infection that put me in the hospital for 3 days. It's like okay, not EVERYTHING can be perfect! I'm pretty sure this is a normal feeling, as all the crazy ass nice women on my June birth board I read through pretty much everyday seem to be feeling the same way. So here I am sitting here, waiting on the princess to arrive who will be totally dependent upon me, and my life as I know it now will never ever be the same, and I'm totally okay with that.

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